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After graduating from high school and getting a job, I was playing soccer for working adults, but I couldn’t balance work, family, and soccer, so I stopped playing soccer 6 years ago. My playing style as a soccer player was more of a “guts type” than a “technique”, so I thought I would stop playing soccer at a lower level, so I regret having stopped playing soccer. There is none.

Above all, I am very grateful to my wife for letting me continue playing soccer even after my child was born.

Although I was jogging so that I wouldn’t get fat even after I quit soccer, I was exercising with no clear goals as a hobby.

But after all, I think it’s important to show the appearance of a father who is trying to reach some goal or suffering. It may be annoying for the children and it may be self-satisfaction, but I decided to do something anyway.

And one more. I was very shocked by what the talent “So Takei” said on TV, “No matter how busy I am, I will give myself two hours a day as a gift.”

1 hour training and 1 hour study. That will help me grow today more than I did yesterday.

It may seem easy, but when you put it into practice, you will be surprised at the height of the hurdle.

Excluding work, housework and time with children, there is little time left in the day. Among them, I also work every day so that I can give myself a total of 2 hours of training, 30 minutes of study, and 30 minutes of hobbies.

I haven’t achieved all the goals every day yet, but I hope this blog will motivate those who are working on something in the same way or who are trying to work on something in the future. I’m very happy.

And since I started blogging, I would like to put pressure on myself and work on it so that I can grow every day.

