










0歳 ~  5歳  ~ 15歳  ~ 25歳  ~ 45歳 ~ 65歳 ~

 ←幼年期→ ←少年期→ ←青年期→ ←壮年期→ ←中年期→ ←高年期→










I think it is a well-known fact that exercise is good for your health. However, most people don’t know how good it is for their health and what kind of effect it has.

Today, I have summarized the reasons why exercise is good for your health and why it is important for you, so I hope you will take a look to the end.


First of all, our life expectancy is increasing year by year.

More than 30 years ago, the average life expectancy in 1980 was 73 for men and 79 for women, but the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare announced in 2011 that “79 years for men and 86 years for women” (2011, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare).

The increase in life expectancy is partly due to the decrease in infant mortality, but it is expected to increase further in the future due to the development of science and medical care.

I often hear the phrase “100 years of life”, but it may be the day when it really happens.

By the way, the number of elderly people over 100 years old was less than 1000 in 1980, but in 2012 it exceeded 50,000 people, which is 50 times that number, and about 50 times more elderly people over 100 years old than 30 years ago. It means that it has increased.

In addition, there seems to be a research result that about 50% of babies born in 2007 live up to 107 years old.

However, it is important to be aware that it is important to extend “healthy life expectancy” (the period during which you can live without any restrictions on your daily life due to health problems) than “life expectancy”. The difference between average life expectancy and healthy life expectancy is about 8 to 12 years. In short, 8 to 12 years after death requires the help of someone such as long-term care, and you cannot live on your own.

Life can be roughly divided into 6 periods, but in general, the period according to age is as follows.

0 years old ~ 5 years old ~ 15 years old ~ 25 years old ~ 45 years old ~ 65 years old ~
← Childhood → ← Boyhood → ← Adolescence → ← Middle age → ← Middle age → ← Old age →
The average person is called a second life from the age of 60 when he retires from work, and I think it is time to enjoy life. On the other hand, as mentioned earlier, when the period requiring long-term care (8 to 12 years) and 60 years is subtracted from the average life expectancy, the second life period is about 7 years for men (79 to 12 to 60 years). It can be seen that women are about 14 years old (86 years old-12 years-60 years old) and have little time left.


Therefore, it is important to extend healthy life expectancy in order to prolong the second life period.

By shortening the period of need for long-term care and extending healthy life expectancy, the elderly can reach the age of 70 or 75, and the period of enjoying a second life can be extended accordingly.


By the way, I think that you have somehow understood the importance of extending healthy life expectancy, but it is a well-balanced diet and moderate exercise that extend healthy life expectancy.


Exercise has various merits such as improvement of concentration and memory, mental stability (stress tolerance), smartness, positiveness, improvement of happiness, improvement of muscle strength, diet effect, etc. We know that we can reduce the chance of getting cancer.

It is said that we Japanese have a 60% chance of getting cancer and a 45% chance of getting cancer in women, so it would be a little surprising to reduce the risk of getting cancer.

In addition, if you do not exercise, your muscles will decrease at a rate of about 1% / year, and if you are bedridden, you will lose muscle at a rate of 1% / 2 days. I can’t live a good life.

Exercise alone does not extend healthy life expectancy, but by having a well-balanced diet and good sleep in conjunction with exercise, we can maintain the health that is the foundation of human beings.

